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How High is Employee Morale in Your Organization?

Ask These Questions of Your Employees to Gauge Employee Morale Levels

MoraleDo your employees love where they work? Do employees seem happy at work? Are they collaborating with each other? Is so – morale is likely high in the workplace. When an organization focuses on employee morale, employees are happier and top talent is likely to be retained in the organization. People want to come to work and they contribute to the success of the organization.

Consider how your employees would respond to the following statements:

  • Leadership are excited and passionate about the organization.
  • Employees opinions and ideas matter and are actively sought out by leadership.
  • Employees receive regular constructive and positive feedback on performance.
  • Employees pitch in to help each other out.
  • Employees understand why projects are being launched in the organization and also understand why a project may be cancelled.
  • The organizations core values are lived and practiced by everyone in the organization.
  • Employees receive regular opportunities to use their skills and develop new skills; professional development is important in the organization and supported.
  • Leaders regularly communicate with employees about what is going on in the organization and why decisions are made.
  • Employees participate in strategic planning and operational planning sessions.

If your employees are not answering “always” or “usually” to all of these questions, you have work ahead to improve the morale of the organization. If you believe you have work to do to improve morale, consider starting with sending a survey to all employees to understand where improvements can be made as well as holding small group meetings. Then, develop your plan to get the organization back on track to being the place people want to work.

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