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What Happens if Leaders don’t Invest in their Employees?

Too many leaders today are not investing in their employees – and that’s their talent within the organization. Without strong talent in the ranks, companies cannot survive. Leaders who don’t invest in their employees will find:

  • There is no pipeline for future executive teams
  • Organizational capability will decrease
  • Innovation is reduced
  • The employees are not challenged and engaged, and will move on – or may stay and just no longer try
  • Talented individuals will be recruited by competitors who will recognize their talent
  • They are unable to meet the challenges of the future

I remember one situation a friend of mine described at a company for which she worked.  The right talent was not developed because the executives were worried about their jobs.  By “the right talent,” she meant those individuals who were high potentials and would be well suited for an executive level role within the organization with the proper development and support. Rather, the executives groomed those individuals they did not see as a threat.  The individuals who were considered top talent left the organization for other opportunities.  As you can imagine, this company is headed for problems and, my friend, needless to say, moved on to another organization.

At her next company, there was a plan in place to identify, develop and retain high potentials.  Additionally, this company also worked to ensure that there were development plans for all employees, regardless of their level within the organization.

Your thoughts? What happens, in your opinion, if leaders don’t make an effort to develop and invest in their employees? Share your stories in the Comments field below. Thanks!