Small businesses have jumped headfirst into the Social Media Pool. Do they know how to swim or just tread water?
They might be starting to sink if they are making a number of these mistakes.
- Participating in too many networks or vehicles.
- Not fully completing profiles on each network.
- Selling instead of informing prospects and potential prospects.
- Too aggressively contacting people and thus, having your content thought of as SPAM.
- Delegating planning to others without giving it “the once over.” Use your gut to check it out.
- Friending people just to turn around and pitch them your product or service.
- Not clearly defining your reasons for using Social Media.
- Not measuring the ROI of your Social Media efforts.
- Getting defensive about comments made on your blog, Facebook Fan Page etc.
- Not having a clear distinction between personal and professional online identities.
- Not learning and evolving strategy based upon earlier efforts.
- Lack of a Social Media calendar.
- Thinking Social Media is the “silver bullet” for what ails the firm.
- Not monitoring or limited monitoring of your blog, web site, Twitter account etc.
- Not regularly adding new information to your web site, blog, Facebook Fan Page etc.
- Employing same tactics for each Social Media vehicle.
- Not balancing the need for technology with the need to respond, interact and engage.
The Takeaway
Social Media is a wonderful opportunity for your firm. Make a plan, implement and adjust as necessary to leverage properly your efforts.
That is the list. Over to you. Please add your comments below.
- What else would you add to the list?
- How successful do you feel your Social Media strategy has been?
- What will you do next with your Social Media strategy?
Copyright © 2011 Rob Berman