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Preparing to Meet Professional Development Needs in the New Year

Determining Employee Needs

As a Human Resource Professional, are you prepared to meet employee professional development needs in the upcoming need? Do you know what is needed in skill development?

Here are some suggestions on ways to gather information (in a short time) as to what may be needed/desired in professional development:

  • Meet with the company executives. Ask them what are their long term goals for the company? This will help you to understand what skills may be needed to support those goals.
  • Meet with the individual business unit heads. What are their goals for their groups? What skills do they believe need further development?
  • Send a survey to the employees. Where do they feel they need to strengthen their skills? What are their challenges?
  • Look at past workshops offered to employees. How well did they do in meeting employee and organizational needs? What is successful and should be continued? What needs to be “freshened up?” And which are no longer serving their purpose and should be discontinued?
  • Look at employee past performance reviews for clues as to development needs.

These are just a few ways to determine needs for the upcoming year. What do you do to determine employee professional development needs?

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