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Set SMARTER Goals to Keep Employees Engaged

Set Goals

Likely you have heard of SMART goals:

S = Specific: Who, What, When, Where – clear, specific, understandable – no ambiguity

M = Measurable: Can the goal be measured? What metrics will be used? How often will you measure progress toward the goal?

A = Attainable: Is the goal able to be attained given resources available or budgets?

R = Realistic: Is the goal realistic? Can it be reached and will it help to move the company forward; will it help the company reach its vision?

T = Time bound: Can the goal be achieved in the timeline allocated for it?

During a Leadership workshop I recently attended as part of the Project Management Institute, I learned about SMARTER goals:

All of the above (S, M, A, R, T) plus:

E = Exciting: Is there excitement behind the goal? Can employees get behind it? Are they eager to begin work on achieving the goal?

R = Reward: How will you reward those who work on achieving the goal? How will you recognize progress toward the goal? If you have a few cross-functional teams working on a number of goals toward reaching a particular end result, how can you reward and recognize to enable for a bit of friendly competition?

I liked the idea of SMARTER goals the minute I heard it during the workshop. What a great way to engage employees and get them excited about initiatives in which they are involved. I have a strategic planning session coming up within the next few weeks with a client – you can bet I’ll be working with them to set SMARTER goals!

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