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Problems on the Team: A Mini Case Study – Part I

Why do I have to be involved in this initiative!

Problems on the Team: A Mini Case Study – Part IFrom the minute the team was announced, several of the members were overheard telling their colleagues that they didn’t understand why they needed to be involved in this initiative. They wanted to continue to work alone, as they have been doing for many years. Some of the prospective team members were concerned they would no longer have any autonomy. Others were concerned that they would be spending so much time in meetings that things would never get done and they would have to work overtime. Yet others were concerned that they would not receive recognition for their efforts and would get “lost” in the team. After the team was formed, it met for a few months without addressing any of these issues. “Gossip” is picking up. The team performance is not effective.

  • What might be the primary reasons for the team feeling as they are?
  • What should be done at this point?
  • What should have been done from day one to potentially avoid these issues?

What are your thoughts on the questions above? Please share your ideas in the Comments field below. Part II of this post will respond to the problem with some potential solutions/ideas to consider.

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