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When Managers Become Leaders

Managers who make the transition to team leader for the first time can be pretty shocked at what hits them. The whole point about leading is that they are leading people and any amount of leadership development or training can only go so far in preparing them for their first role. The management skills […]

Giving Your External Speaker a Chance to Speak

Why bother having external speakers for your training courses? Well, there are many reasons and it depends on what the course is trying to achieve, but a couple of obvious reasons spring easily to mind. Firstly, by bringing in someone who has real life experience of the course subject matter they can provide some […]

How to Manage Risk Smarter and Avoid Overkill

Managing risk within a project is a good idea. That’s generally agreed upon. Risk Management is essential and contributes significantly to successful project deliverables. Where it can and does go wrong is when there is an over-reliance on the risk factors of the project. When these factors start driving the way the project moves […]

7 Important Facilitation Skills

In order for a facilitator to ensure their group delivers to the best of their ability he/she needs to use a set of seven skills at all times.

1. Leading

It’s down to the facilitator to determine how they are going to lead the group from their starting position through to […]