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Human Resources & Learning & Development – Are You Providing Training Programs for your Senior Leaders?

We don’t often consider the need for training, or professional development, opportunities for senior leaders. We do, however, consider what training is needed for nearly all other employees in the organization and may even have training programs in place for various groups/levels of employees. But senior leaders in the organization need learning opportunities also; […]

Helping New Managers Succeed

Too often we promote individual contributors into roles where we now want them to manage people without providing them what they need to be successful. Simply because someone is good technically – doing the tasks associated with their role – doesn’t mean they will be good leading people. Leading people requires different skillsets. To […]

Coach Employees to Strengthen their Emotional Intelligence

Not every employee who joins the organization has strong emotional intelligence. Some employees tend to be reactive and don’t handle stress or conflict well. They are easily “triggered” by others and may not collaborate or communicate in the best way.

Writing up an employee under a Performance Improvement Plan is not the best way […]

The Value of Building Relationships for HR Professionals

Strong relationships are essential in order to accomplish goals. As HR Professionals it is necessary to engage all levels of employees in the organization in achieving the goals of the organization. While certainly this responsibility also falls on the direct managers of employees, HR is in a unique position because they are engaged with […]

Launch a Mentoring Program in 2019

Use a Mentoring Program to Engage Employees and Help them to Achieve Organizational Goals

Mentoring programs are a great tool to engage employees. Plus, they provide a number of benefits to the organization overall.

From an organizational perspective, mentoring programs enable for: Attracting and retaining top talent Meeting long-term organizational goals Sharing of knowledge and […]