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Getting Input From Others – Part I

A Mini Case Study

Jane is an employee within the marketing department. She has been tasked with getting input from her peers in her own department (marketing) but also in sales in order to map out processes around engaging clients. This process information is needed to customize the newly purchased Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. And needs to be shared among all employees in sales and marketing to enable for increased consistency in how clients are engaged with the business. Additionally, there are a number of new hires starting within 6 months and management would like to ensure that they are trained in the new process for engaging clients.

Jane has reached out to her peers in both departments via email asking about available dates to sit with each person individually. This email was sent out a week ago and she has received exactly two responses out of 12 employees between both departments. The two who responded were fairly new to the organization and were both from Marketing.

Jane sent another email after a week, and still had no responses. She is unsure what she should do next? Should she reach out to everyone yet again or just ask the person who assigned her to project to intervene?

What would you do in Jane’s position?

Part II of this article will share Jane’s next steps.

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