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Book Review: Hiring and the Potter’s Wheel

I recently read a book by Phil Wrzesinski called, Hiring & The Potter’s Wheel: Turning Your Staff into a Work of Art. What a great read!Hiring and the Potter's Wheel

I know Phil from LinkedIn. He was looking for HR managers to review his book and provide their feedback on its usefulness. Although I’m not an HR manager, given my work with clients, I offered to take a look at the book and he sent me a copy. So glad I did!

Phil uses an analogy of an individual attending a pottery class to develop a step-by-step process for finding, interviewing, hiring and training new employees (a task she was assigned by her boss).  The story makes for a quick, relaxing read (you won’t even know you are learning anything!).  There is a remarkable number of “take-aways” to apply back on the job.

I have read a number of business books and must say this is one that small businesses want on their shelf because in such a short time you walk away with tips you can use immediately.  It is not as elaborate as many business books but it doesn’t need to be.  It provides some practical, layman’s language for small businesses in how to find the best people for the company and getting them up to speed as quickly as possible.  Frankly, you can read this book in one evening and apply it the next day on the job.

In a nutshell, you’ll find the book:

  • A quick and easy read
  • Many key points highlighted throughout
  • A story that makes it a fun read
  • Usable “step-by-step process” table and templates that provide you what you need without being overwhelming

A must read for anyone responsible for hiring within their company – no matter the size of the organization.

Some links you may find of value

Where to buy the book:

Excerpts from Phil’s blog:

Happy reading!