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How Are You Doing as Team Leader?

Have you asked the team lately?

How are you doing as the team leader? When did you last ask your team how effectively you are doing as the lead? For longer running teams – 1 year or more – consider checking in every 6 months with your team to see how you are performing in the team leader role. If your team is shorter term, once the initiative is finished, ask your team to evaluate your performance. This is a great way to improve how you manage others. Be sincere when asking for feedback! Let team members know you want to know areas where you can improve to enable the team to be effective in meeting their goals.

Team LeaderConsider the following best practices for team leaders.

  • The team leader regularly involves the team members in making decisions and resolving issues.
  • The team leader facilitates meetings effectively, encouraging participation from all team members.
  • The team leader enables the team members to spend time getting to know each other.
  • When necessary, the team leader is willing to approach senior leadership/sponsor to remove barriers and ensure the team can be successful.
  • The team leader ensures each team member understands his/her own roles and responsibilities, as well as the roles and responsibilities of the other team members.
  • The team leader regularly communicates to the team in a way that works for the team members.
  • The team leader provides the team members the resources, guidance, and support needed to solve problems and work through issues.
  • The team leader regularly provides feedback on team members’ performance.
  • The team leader shares the vision, goals and objectives of the team.
  • The team leader helps to resolve conflicts and disagreements that arise on the team without placing blame on individuals.
  • The team leader regularly evaluates progress on the initiative and takes corrective action when necessary.

Ask your team how well you are performing. Ask where you can do better to support the team. Use this information to develop an action plan to more effectively lead your team – providing them the support they need to be successful accomplishing the goals of the team.

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