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Launch a Mentoring Program in 2019

Use a Mentoring Program to Engage Employees and Help them to Achieve Organizational Goals

Mentoring programs are a great tool to engage employees. Plus, they provide a number of benefits to the organization overall.

From an organizational perspective, mentoring programs enable for:

  • Attracting and retaining top talent
  • Meeting long-term organizational goals
  • Sharing of knowledge and best practices across the organization
  • Building stronger relationships between management and employees

For employees, mentoring programs enable for skills development and knowledge building. They also enable for increased visibility within the organization.

Before launching your mentoring program, consider why you are doing so. What is important to accomplish with a mentoring program? Consider the answers to these questions listed below in order to develop your strategy for a mentoring program and thereby ensure you develop a program that works to meet organizational goals and the needs of your employees.

  • What challenges or issues are being faced within the organization that mentoring may be able to address?
  • Which individuals would be suited to participate in a mentoring program – either as a mentor or the mentee? What is the ideal profile of a mentor? What is the ideal profile of a mentee?
  • What is the experience with mentoring within the organization? (How much will you have to “sell” mentoring to get buy-in and support before launching a program?)
  • What is the expected outcome or changes from a mentoring program? What is it expected that mentees will do better as a result of being mentored?
  • How would a mentoring program link to the organization’s strategic long-term goals?

As a best practice, get the leaders of the organization together for a strategy session to respond to these questions. For a few clients, I have found it valuable to send the questions out beforehand and then we discuss as a group –it gives them time to process and think. For yet others, I do better when we meet and talk through the questions as the conversation is lively and everyone participates and shares freely.

Want to learn more? Back in August, 2018; Abudi Consulting Group offered a free webinar on Best Practices for Creating, Developing and Deploying a Mentoring Program. You can access the webinar on YouTube. And, download the handout from our website.

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