- Happy New Year
What are your resolutions for 2010? Do you make them? And…if you do…do you keep them! Let’s face it, it’s easy enough to make them, keeping them is the real trick!
Here are a few I’m making to start the year off right. I’m being practical this year and only writing those I know I can keep or have a good chance of progressing on!
- Write everything (my many “to do’s”) down on my Outlook Task list.
- I only started tracking tasks in Outlook last year and have found it a great resource to access from my PC as well as my mobile – it’s certainly better than the paper lists I was keeping. Those post-it notes were getting out of control!
- Start filling up that journal I purchased with ideas for my book. As a couple of dear friends have told me – just start writing it down!
- I don’t expect the book to be completed in 2010; but I’d like to make a good dent into it!
- Each night devote an hour or two to reading those many business-related articles I print out, the Wall Street Journal and Harvard Business Review.
- Some great information – just need to read it and file it for easy reference in the future. I got so much reading done when I took a train into work – now I need to schedule some time to get caught up and stay caught up!
- And let’s not forget the blogs I subscribe to – need to devote an hour each night to those also! I frequently find interesting and useful tidbits on others’ blog postings.
- And…I suppose I shouldn’t forget my love of reading in general – love mysteries especially and will set aside an hour before bed each night to read a mystery novel.
- Need something besides just business books to read otherwise I’d be boring!
- Carve out a bit more time to catch up with and visit family.
- Can’t forget the importance of family! Need to carve out a little more time on a regular basis to catch up and visit family.
How to Keep Your Resolutions
Here are some tips for keeping the New Year’s Resolutions you make in 2010:
- Keep it simple and achievable. If you want a new job with more responsibilities, don’t set an unrealistic timeframe to move to a new position. Rather, set milestones to achieve in preparation for landing that new job:
- Resume complete Feb 1.
- Contact network of professional contacts by Feb. 15
- Etc.
- Get support from your friends and provide them support on their resolutions. Let them know what you are trying to accomplish. For example, if you are trying to improve your vocabulary, ask them to test you on a regular basis.
- Make some changes to your surroundings. If you are trying to get a book written, set aside a small place to work in your home office – keep it quiet and away from distractions. Set aside some “book writing time” to ensure that the family does not disturb you while you write.
- It’s OK if you fail at first! Don’t give up – get back on track and pick up where you left off!
Share some of your New Year’s Resolutions with others in the Comments field below. What are your tips for staying on track? Thanks!
Hi Mike,
I still have a ton of books on tape that I would like to convert to CDs at some point. New job I’m going to is a bit further from home so I may want to do that sooner rather than later! (Actually somewhere in the basement have some 8 tracks too – but now I’m just dating myself!).
I will definitely check out Evernote. Sounds like it may solve my filing problem! Good luck on your goal of building the Evernote library!
A very Happy and Prosperous New Year to you!
Gina, Thanks for the challenge. I used to get a bunch “read” while listening to audio books while driving. For filing your articles and blogs, I’d like to recommend Evernote (http://www.evernote.com). It’s very handy for archiving anything on the web for later retrieval. One of my goals this year is to begin to build a huge Evernote library.
Have a great New Year