Yes – if you are a project manager you really need leadership skills! Today’s project managers must have leadership skills in order to effectively perform their roles in the organization and stand out from the crowd of other project managers. Something must make you distinct from the others – especially if you are currently job searching or worried about your job security given the economy.
While this has certainly always been the case; it is even more important today in an economy where project managers (PMs) are being asked to do more with less – reduced budgets for their projects, fewer resources available to work on the projects, and reduced timelines to get the products/services to market – in order to ensure their organizations remain competitive in a global economy.
Without a doubt, PMs who are not well-versed in technical skills (such as EVM1, quantitative risk analysis or estimating activities) cannot perform their role effectively. And certainly, without a working knowledge of the PMBOK®2, project managers will be unable to acquire their PMP®3. Additionally, in a world where there are many people running around with the “project manager” title, a PMP® certification is one way to stand out from the crowd. However, that alone may not be enough. Strong project management technical skills and PMP® certification is not sufficient for those project managers aspiring to take on more responsibilities. Project managers cannot effectively compete with so many other certified project managers unless they have more than technical skills in their toolboxes. Project managers’ long-term success and potential for growth are limited if they do not possess the necessary critical skills. For example, how effective can PMs be in their roles if they do not possess teaming skills, are not effective at influencing others, cannot communicate or present effectively, or are unable to see the “big picture?” Realistically – they can’t be very effective.
Therefore, leadership skills are, without a doubt, a requirement for project managers. For example, it is difficult to lead global teams comprised of individuals with different personal goals/objectives and varied cultural backgrounds if you do not have essential leadership skills. Again, I can’t emphasize enough that technical skills is not sufficient – it is just not possible for project managers to get the job done solely with technical skills. To progress in the organization – you need to show strong leadership skills also.
A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide), 4th Edition (2008, Project Management Institute,, in Appendix G, notes particular interpersonal skills that project managers must have in order to be effective in their role. They are:
And, other skills that are important for individuals leading project teams include:
All of these interpersonal and leadership skills are needed so that project managers can effectively manage any size project they are leading. I am sure you can think of many others! Please use the Comment field below to add them to the list.
Project managers who can demonstrate competence in these skills increase the success of the projects they lead and demonstrate their value to the organization – above and beyond their ability to create a Work Breakdown Structure or a Risk Management Plan.
One project manager I have spoken with commented that his strength in understanding the big picture behind a project and conveying that vision to his project team and others in the organization led to him being involved in the decision-making process around which projects would be completed in a given year. Here is someone who obviously stood out to the executives as bringing value to an important strategic planning process.
Another project manager said her ability to problem solve effectively by really understanding the issues made her a valuable resource within the organization, not just on project teams. She was often called upon to address complex problems within the organization.
These skills noted above in addition to strategic leadership skills such as strategic planning and change management help project managers be viewed as key individuals within the organization – someone with the potential to move up through the ranks and take on a senior leadership role.
And let’s not forget some other important skills to have, including:
- Ability to work with others
- Ability to think ahead – foresee potential issues, risks, etc.
- A sense of humor (often needed when times get tense and the workload seems impossible!)
- Ability to manage logistics
- Strong organizational skills
A project manager with a combination of strong project management technical skills and relevant leadership and other important skills will find him/herself in a position of strength within their organization and a valuable resource overall. These are the project managers you want to work with on projects and the individuals that the executive team looks to as high potentials within the organization.
Have we emphasized this point enough? If not, let me know – I can (as you know!) keep on going! Is it obvious that I am passionate about this need?
Are you one of these project managers? If not, how are you going to get there? Map out your personal plan for development.
Next Up: How Do You Acquire Leadership Skills?
1PMBOK® = Project Management Body of Knowledge. The PMBOK® is the sum of knowledge within the profession of project management. The PMBOK® Guide is the subset of the Project Management Body of Knowledge that is generally recognized as good practice. (Taken from PMBOK®, 4th Edition, Introduction)
2PMP® = Project Management Professional Certification. A PMP® is certified by the Project Management Institute (PMI®). (Taken from PMBOK®, 4th Edition)
3EVM = Earned Value Management is a methodology for integrating scope, schedule, and resources to measure project performance and progress. (Taken from PMBOK®, 4th Edition)
Hi Bill,
I see interpersonal skills more along the lines of influencing others, communicating well, positive assertiveness, emotional self-awareness, etc. Many of those were certainly included in this post. I suppose I could have used “leadership/interpersonal skills”. Many people do find them interchangeable.
“Leadership” is more of an umbrella term and can be broken down further to include the skills of: strategic planning, mentoring, performance accountability, building organizational capability, visionary team leadership, etc.
Hope this helps you.
Thanks for your comment.
How can “leadership” be a “leadership skill”? How would you differentiate leadership skills from interpersonal skills?
Sorry Melissa —
Note the hint of red on my cheeks.
Can’t say I can relate to your second quote but I’m sure my wife would.
I will keep you informed as we get closer to launching my blog.
Ron…Ron…this is St. Louis – Cardinals territory. Home of King Albert!!
I like your quote too – I’m an RPCV (Returned Peace Corps Volunteer) and I know that quote well…..although my other favorite quote during service was “I only have 2 years 3 months to shop this country! …in Thailand…land of wonderful silks..!)
Hi Melissa –
Thanks for the offer :-). I’d be tempted but, being a die-hard Red Sox fan and married to a die-hard Yankees fan, we’d have a hard time moving to Royals territory :-).
Besides, right now I’m working for Gina and I’m not so sure how she’d feel about it :-).
But it’s great to know there are organizations out there who understand the importance of using our project leadership skills for something that makes a difference in our world.
My favorite quote is: “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him to fish and you feed him for life. But help him manage fishing projects and you can feed the world.”
If you’d like to LinkIn with me, just click my name above to go directly to my LinkedIn profile. I am planning to launch a blog soon that addresses how we can help change the world, one project (and one project manager) at a time. You might be interested.
Come work for me Ron – that is part of our Organization’s Social Responsibility philosophy “By making organizations aware of the impact that culture and values have on the language in their communications and connecting that with their overall strategic business goals, we can bring the global community a little closer together. In effect, we can be a catalyst for global change… one person by one person, one communication by one communication.”
That’s all in Project Management here.
Melissa Wurst
Hi Ron,
Thanks much for your comment! A perfect vision/mission! I have no doubt that many of the readers would agree. Thank you again – wonderful insight here.
Hi Gina –
Thanks for this post. I have argued for years that the “science” of project management (though very important) is much less important than the “art” of project management (all the leadership skills you discuss in this post). Having come from a background in troubled project recovery, I’ve seen some of the worst of what can happen when technically competent PMs “manage” but can’t “lead”.
Projects are all about creating change while operations are about maintaining status quo. Both are important but projects offer growth and promise to an organization. This goes back to your earlier poll but, if our organizations want to achieve something different (and they must), they must be willing to do something different … and that takes vision and courage (critical leadership skills).
Projects are the vehicles that move our organizations forward, and project managers (with the right skills) are the spark plugs necessary to get things done. I believe it is a noble and honorable pursuit to train up strong project managers with the solid leadership skills they need … which is why I do the work I do.
Personally, I would like to lead an organization that is based on the belief that we can change the world, one project (and one project manager) at a time. There are many organizations out there trying to bring about positive change in the world. The people who will facilitate that change are project managers. And we need to equip (through training and coaching) those project managers so they are able to successfully manage their projects and achieve their intended results. I want to build an organization that equips and supports these project managers to be successful.
How’s that for a vision/mission? 🙂