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Exploring Emotional Intelligence: Helping Managers Succeed – Part 3

A Client Case Study – Part 3 of 3 – Creating the Strategic Plan for L&D

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of the case study.

The Plan for Learning and Coaching of Managers

We used the data from the 360 assessments, information gathered from interviews with the managers assessed, data provided early on by […]

Exploring Emotional Intelligence: Helping Managers Succeed – Part 2

A Client Case Study – Part 2 of 3 – The 360 Assessment Results

Read Part 1 of the case study.

Findings from the 360 Assessment

498 of 500 surveys were received. While a 100% return would have been outstanding; we were certainly excited about the return we did get given this was the first […]

Exploring Emotional Intelligence: Helping Managers Succeed

A Client Case Study – Part 1 of 3 – The 360 Assessment

One of Abudi Consulting Group’s (ACG) clients, a pharmaceutical organization, has been working with ACG for the last year on a project to focus efforts on increasing the emotional intelligence of a key group of mid-level managers in their organization. ACG was […]

No One is Perfect! – Part 4

One leader’s story of how accepting he is not perfect led to stronger working relationships

<This story is about one of ACG’s coaching clients, the name of the leader as well as other information that may identify the leader or the organization has been changed. Read Part 1 , Part 2 and Part 3 of […]

No One is Perfect! – Part 3

One leader’s story of how accepting he is not perfect led to stronger working relationships

<This story is about one of ACG’s coaching clients, the name of the leader as well as other information that may identify the leader or the organization has been changed. Read Part 1 and Part 2 of the story.>

Jack’s […]