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Use Brainstorming to Gather Ideas for BPI

Brainstorming Sessions: Everyone can be Creative!

Increase the number of people who contribute to improving a process using brainstorming

Often, when we are trying to improve upon a business process, we want to gather ideas from as many users of that process as possible. This is not always easy to do, especially when we have a larger group of users. Consider […]

Setting a Path for the Future

Collaboratively…to keep people engaged and committed

How are you working with your leadership team and others in the organization to set a path for the future based on the vision of the company? You need to have goals set that others can embrace and follow – that defines how the company will achieve future success. […]

Brainstorming and Crowdsourcing – Part II

Read Part I of this post, How to Get the Best Ideas from Your Team and Your Expanded Team.

Can you expect pattern-busting breakthroughs if your team is only three or four people? Probably not. You are very unlikely to have significant diversity with such a small number of people Brainstorming with a larger group, […]

Brainstorming Best Practices

Use brainstorming effectively within your business

Brainstorming is a great tool to increase innovation within your business. Frankly, you can brainstorm on your own to generate ideas; but for the purposes of this post we are going to focus on brainstorming with others.

Follow these tips to create a successful group brainstorming environment:

Set aside […]