By Gina Abudi, on November 26th, 2013 Consider what you should be doing the first month in your new role
Ideally, new supervisors are afforded an opportunity to be onboarded into their new role in a more formal way within their companies. However, not every organization does onboarding and sometimes supervisors are dropped into a management role with limited or no support […]
By Gina Abudi, on November 21st, 2013 If not…you better start!
If you are in a human resources role – whether an administrator, training specialist, manager, director or in a senior leadership human resources position – and you are not investing the time each week to build relationships throughout the organization, you cannot be successful over the long term.
Human resources is […]
By Gina Abudi, on July 9th, 2013 A Mini Case Study
Here is a story of a project manager who did not see the value of spending time establishing relationships with others.
We’ll call him Jack. Jack has been managing projects for about 5 years. In that time, he has always had project team members who reported to him. He never bothered […]
By Gina Abudi, on November 22nd, 2012
When we take on a new initiative, we may consider the need to socialize and get the buy-in of those co-located, but we tend to forget about remote offices. We need to get our remote employees engaged. Commonly I hear from my client’s remote offices that they feel disconnected from the main office. This […]
By Gina Abudi, on October 2nd, 2012
How good are you at listening? Wait – before you answer…really listening. Active listening. Really paying attention to the person speaking. Not thinking about what you are going to say next or about what you’ll have for dinner that evening or about what you did last night. No doubt many of you – when […]
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