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Think of Problems Differently

In order to develop better solutions

I have learned that by stating a problem in terms of an opportunity, it looks at the issue from a more positive perspective and reduces pointing fingers as to who is at fault. It also helps to develop more creative and better solutions overall. Consider the two problem statements:


Are You Prepared for New Competition to Your Business?

It’s easy enough for businesses to track current competition – we know who they are and we can keep an eye on them. But what about future competition to the business? I was working with a client the other day to develop a strategy around better competing in their marketplace; which includes how to […]

Enabling for Creative Time in the Workplace

Too often organizations expect creativity or innovation to come only from certain individuals in the business – the product development group, the executive level or individuals who focus on strategy. But innovation can come from anywhere within the organization – the role of the individual does not matter. Remember – innovation does not have […]

Set SMARTER Goals to Keep Employees Engaged

Likely you have heard of SMART goals:

S = Specific: Who, What, When, Where – clear, specific, understandable – no ambiguity

M = Measurable: Can the goal be measured? What metrics will be used? How often will you measure progress toward the goal?

A = Attainable: Is the goal able to be attained given […]

Best Practices for Setting Priorities as a Team

There are times when it makes better sense to enable a team (or department, business unit, etc.) to set their priorities rather than to have the priorities set and pushed down by top leadership. It helps to create ownership and commitment to the direction the company is heading. In such situations, take these best practice […]