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Is Your Organization Change-Savvy?

Change savvy organizations recognize that change is a natural part of the organization and that it must be managed. They understand that change management is a competency and ensure that individual contributors up to the leadership team have that competency in order for change to be successful. They also understand that change is difficult – […]

The Four Stages of Team Development – Part 3

An example of a team moving through the four stages – Part 3: A Team Working Well Together

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of the case study.

Stage 3: Norming and Stage 4: Performing

Let’s skip to about 2 months into the initiative. The Stakeholder Support Committee was doing well working together. They had […]

The Four Stages of Team Development – Part 2

An example of a team moving through the four stages – Part 2: Storming

Read Part 1 of the case study.

Stage 2: Storming

Prior to the second meeting of the Committee, I reviewed the postings on the SharePoint® site. While overall the conversations were professional, in a few cases, committee members seemed to shoot […]

The Four Stages of Team Development – Part 1

An example of a team moving through the four stages – Part 1: Forming

In a previous article we discussed the four stages of team development as well as provided an example of a team moving through the stages. You can read Part 1 and Part 2 of that article here and dive more in […]

Prepare for Change Initiatives Early

Preferably before the project kicks off!

Change initiatives require significant preparation before actually moving forward with starting the initiative. During this preparation time, the following should be done within the organization:

Assess the readiness of employees for the change. Develop a change management plan for how change will be managed and employees engaged throughout the […]