By Gina Abudi, on February 2nd, 2016
On larger, global initiatives consider one area of responsibility for team leads is to be a communication link between the management team and the team’s leads direct reports. The larger an initiative, the more individuals involved in it; which requires more effective communication to ensure success of the initiative. By having the team lead function […]
By Gina Abudi, on August 27th, 2015 Talking with a colleague the other day, he shared that he was tired of trying to solve business problems he was having on his own. He felt he needed to expand his options for solutions and likely, if he did so, would come up with even better solutions to the problems he was trying to […]
By Gina Abudi, on June 25th, 2015 An example of a team moving through the four stages – Part 3: A Team Working Well Together
Read Part 1 and Part 2 of the case study.
Stage 3: Norming and Stage 4: Performing
Let’s skip to about 2 months into the initiative. The Stakeholder Support Committee was doing well working together. They had […]
By Gina Abudi, on June 24th, 2015 An example of a team moving through the four stages – Part 2: Storming
Read Part 1 of the case study.
Stage 2: Storming
Prior to the second meeting of the Committee, I reviewed the postings on the SharePoint® site. While overall the conversations were professional, in a few cases, committee members seemed to shoot […]
By Gina Abudi, on December 17th, 2014 “Emotional Intelligence is the ability to monitor one’s own emotions and the emotions of others, to discriminate between different emotions and use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior.”
(Wikipedia.org, referencing: Coleman, Andrew (2008), A Dictionary of Psychology, 3rd Edition, Oxford University Press.)
Individuals with high levels of emotional intelligence (EI) are better able to […]
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