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Getting Buy-In for a Large Project – Part 2 of 3

Use Your Influencing Skills

Read Part 1 of this mini case study.

In this second part of the case study, we’ll explore how Alison got back on track to get her peers on board with an initiative to undertake a 360 assessment in order to develop a strategic plan for learning and development.

Alison Reflected […]

Getting Buy-In for a Large Project – Part 1 of 3

Use Your Influencing Skills

If you want to get buy-in for a large project, you must influence others to support you. Regardless of your role in the organization – leader or not – influencing skills enables you to get buy-in for projects you need to launch. This 3-part mini case study will focus on the […]

Selling Your Strategic Plan to Your Employees

Strategic Plan

Simply having a strategic plan in place within the organization is not sufficient to getting it accomplished. Leadership must sell their strategic plan to the employees. Employees must buy-in to the strategic plan if they are going to support it and work toward accomplishing its objectives. Many leaders scoff at the thought of selling a […]

Tips to Improve Teamwork across Cultural Boundaries


Most of the teams you will work on will involve virtual team members. And in many cases they will come from a variety of cultural backgrounds. Consider these best practice steps to improve teamwork that involves working with team members across cultural boundaries:

Communicate in a variety of ways (verbal and written)

Communicating in a […]

3 Tips to Prepare for Your Next Project Update

Planning Sessions

Follow these three tips to prepare for your next project update to stakeholders to ensure you are providing them the most relevant information at the right time.

Consider what the stakeholders want and need to know.

Think about your audience. What will they want to know about the project and what do they need to […]