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Tips to Improve Teamwork across Cultural Boundaries


Most of the teams you will work on will involve virtual team members. And in many cases they will come from a variety of cultural backgrounds. Consider these best practice steps to improve teamwork that involves working with team members across cultural boundaries:

Communicate in a variety of ways (verbal and written)

Communicating in a […]

Communicating Across Cultural Boundaries

“The problem with communication is the illusion that is has been accomplished.” – George Bernard Shaw

Communicating across cultural boundaries is not an easy task, nor one that should be taken lightly. Communication encompasses many elements related to culture, including non-verbal communications, phrases we use, and attempting to manage impressions others have of us. These […]

Enabling for Appreciation of Cultural Diversity on Virtual Teams

Breaking down cultural barriers on virtual teams enables for improved collaboration. When the team collaborates more benefits are many and include:

Innovative ideas on getting work accomplished Increasing creativity in solving problems Increasing the likelihood that new products and services developed will meet the needs of a diverse client base Learning new skills and knowledge […]

Are You Aware of Your Own Biases?

We are all biased in some way; it is human nature! What is key is recognizing your biases and correcting them before they damage your relationships with others and your ability to be effective in your role.

Consider if you are conscious of some common biases experienced by many:

Stereotyping. Stereotyping is unverified and oversimplified […]

The Impact of Cultural Diversity on Virtual Teams

I have written a number of articles on cultural diversity and virtual teams. Some of those articles have focused on best practices and others on challenges. In this article, I’d like to present a few common challenges I have observed at client sites and provide a few tips and best practices on addressing those challenges.
