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Reflect on Your Learning

When you attend a conference, a training program or read an article, white paper or case study, are you reflecting on the learning? Often times we invest significantly in our professional development, but what do we do with that learning?

Consider the following best practices the next time you attend a conference, a training program […]

Take Time to Learn

Are you taking the time to further develop and enhance your current skills? To learn new skills? Too often we don’t take time to develop ourselves professionally – we are just too busy with work and personal life; something always gets in the way of our good intentions!

Build time in to your schedule for […]

The Value of Training for Your Employees

I was speaking with a client at dinner recently and she mentioned to me that her organization was looking to cut training because they couldn’t see the value in it. She was frustrated as you can imagine. Her boss believes that employees would rather have a few extra dollars in their paychecks rather than take […]