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Engage Employees in Change

It matters to ensure support and adoption

When change is launched in an organization, there is an expectation among senior leadership that it will be successful. Sometimes this assumption is made because the change appears to be minor and “not a big deal.” Other times this assumption is made because senior leadership understands why the […]

Coach Employees to Strengthen their Emotional Intelligence

Not every employee who joins the organization has strong emotional intelligence. Some employees tend to be reactive and don’t handle stress or conflict well. They are easily “triggered” by others and may not collaborate or communicate in the best way.

Writing up an employee under a Performance Improvement Plan is not the best way […]

Prepare New Supervisors to Manage Staff

Too often individual contributors are promoted into supervisory roles with no prior experience managing others. And, sometimes, limited experience collaborating with others or working as part of a team on an initiative.

This only sets them up for excessive stress, frustration and potential failure in their new role managing others. It may risks setting up […]

Have Change Conversations

Change the mindset in the organization to a learning-focused mindset

Having regular conversations around change enables for creating a learning mindset – a mindset where employees appreciate, desire and engage in change. When we change, we are learning – we are growing, adapting, getting better. We want to create this mindset so that employees are […]

Should I Lead Like My Boss?


Mary, a new supervisor at one of my clients, asked me if she should “lead like my boss leads.” I asked her if she likes how her boss leads the team. Her response, “Not always.” Therefore, the answer to Mary’s question, “Don’t lead like your boss leads."

The answer to “Should I lead like my […]