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Human Resources & Learning & Development – Are You Providing Training Programs for your Senior Leaders?

We don’t often consider the need for training, or professional development, opportunities for senior leaders. We do, however, consider what training is needed for nearly all other employees in the organization and may even have training programs in place for various groups/levels of employees. But senior leaders in the organization need learning opportunities also; […]

Trust Matters in a Leadership Role

Leaders who have not built and inspired trust with their employees are unlikely to be successful over the long term. The ability to build and inspire trust is essential to engage and influence employees to move the organization forward and achieve strategic goals. Trust enables for attracting and retaining top talent. People are interested in […]

Three Ways to Develop Leadership Skills – No Matter What Your Role

Regardless of your role in an organization, you can develop (and should) develop leadership skills. Here are 3 easy ways to develop your leadership skills even if you are an individual contributor:

Take on an internal project. Undoubtedly there are internal projects that need to get done and limited resources to lead them. This may […]

Using Collaboration Portals to Engage Learners

Engaging Your Remote Team

Collaboration portals are a great way to engage learners. At Abudi Consulting Group, a number of our clients who run year-long leadership programs for their employees partner with us to enable for a collaboration portal.

The Value of Collaboration Portals

Collaboration portals enable for a variety of benefits for learners, including:

A “safe environment” to […]

Important Components of High Potential Programs

When developing high potential programs for your future leaders, in addition to the skills development workshops, don’t forget these important components of the program:

Learning partners: Ensure that you break the group up into learning partners. Enable for building relationships by ensuring that the group is made up of diverse partners –individuals with a variety […]