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Empower Your Team to Solve Problems

Delegating Issues to be Resolved

When there is a problem that arises within the department, don’t feel that you, as the manager, must solve it yourself. You may be able to delegate the problem to your team members, who may be closer to the situation and may have more expertise, to resolve it. Certainly you […]

Delegating Best Practices

Delegating is important – and not just so that you can pass work on to someone else to do. When individual contributors move into management roles, it is essential that they learn how to effectively delegate work to their team so that you can manage the tasks that must be accomplished to run the department […]

Delegating by capacity

Why do so many bosses manage according to the principal of “ I do most of the work. You ‘re just here to catch the overflow?”

Delegating is supposed to be about understanding the work flowing through your organization and then assigning that work based on skill sets and availability of the resources within your […]

Addressing the Challenge of Performance Reviews

The performance review is dreaded by nearly everyone in the organization for many reasons:

It can be an onerous process It’s only done once a year We only include in the review what is fresh in our memories We really don’t know how to handle those difficult conversations with employees who may not be performing […]

Grow Motivation Like Tomatoes

Do you have green fingers? Can you make a plant thrive? Have you ever bought a plant and forgot about it? What happened? Have you ever planted a tomato plant? Did you get tomatoes, or did it wither and die? Have you ever bought an aquarium and ended up with fish floating upside down in […]