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Successful Mentoring Programs

The First Few Meetings Matter!

The first few meetings of mentors and protégé (or mentee) makes a significant difference in the success of the mentoring program.

These initial meetings are about building relationships and establishing trust. Mentoring cannot be successful if trust does not exist. Mentoring is a longer-term relationships focused on helping […]

Helping New Managers Succeed

Too often we promote individual contributors into roles where we now want them to manage people without providing them what they need to be successful. Simply because someone is good technically – doing the tasks associated with their role – doesn’t mean they will be good leading people. Leading people requires different skillsets. To […]

Provide New Leaders a Mentor


Providing new leader a mentor achieves a number of benefits to the leaders as well as the organization, many of the benefits directly attributable to the bottom line. Mentors enables new leaders to be successful sooner in their role. Additionally, a mentor enables for:

Understanding and absorbing the corporate culture Learning business processes Learning about […]

Orienting a New Supervisor to the Job

The First Week

There is much for a new supervisor to accomplish in the role. In order to set them on the path to success in a supervisory role, ensure that the first week on the job enables them to acclimate to the organization and the supervisory role.

During the first week on the job […]

My Mentee is Not Engaged – Part II

A Mini Case Study on Mentoring Employees

Read Part I for background information.

Jackson reached out to the Mentor Program Director for support. He told him the story and said that he was probably not the best mentor for Jeb. It might be that Jeb just wasn’t interested in being mentored or simply that they […]