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You’re a New Supervisor

Now what?

When promoted to a new supervisor, expectations, and your contributions to the organization are vastly different than when in an individual contributor role. You are now responsible for the work efforts and productivity of others, as well as for the professional development.

As a supervisor, you are:

accountable and responsible for your team […]

Orienting a New Supervisor to the Job

The First Week

There is much for a new supervisor to accomplish in the role. In order to set them on the path to success in a supervisory role, ensure that the first week on the job enables them to acclimate to the organization and the supervisory role.

During the first week on the job […]

A New Supervisor’s First Day on the Job

A new supervisor’s first day on the job can be a stressful one. It may be that the supervisor was recently promoted and is now managing the work of individuals with whom she was a peer. Or, it may be a newly hired supervisor in the organization starting on day one not knowing anyone in […]