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Ensuring Behavior Change Occurs From Projects: Try This!

Behavior Change

Often clients tell me that one of the major disappointments from their organizational initiatives is that behavior change doesn’t occur. As one client told me, “The employees just go back to the old way of working; even if the new way is so much better!”

Every change requires a change in the behavior of people. […]

Supporting Change through Communication

Consider these two conversations…

How we communicate with others who are struggling through a change makes an impact on their ability to accept and adapt to a change in the organization. Employees who are change agents, those who support and champion change in an organization, enable other employees to do so also by helping […]

Want Organizational Transitions to Succeed – COMMUNICATE!

Communication – Communication – and more Communication. That sums it up as the how to prepare for organizational transition. Sounds easy; but rarely is there enough of it! Ensuring that employees are engaged in organizational change/transition is necessary for long term success. But organizations can only engage employees when communications are frequent, honest and enable […]

Getting Employees Past Obstacles to Change

Obstacles to change exist at both the organizational and individual level. In this article, we’ll focus on individual obstacles to change and how to help employees get past those obstacles.

Obstacles to change from the individual perspective include:

Fear of the impact of change on the individual and his role and responsibilities Fear of losing […]

Are You a Change Agent?

Change agents are individuals within the organization who enable for change to happen by embracing change and helping others around them to embrace change. They are inspired by how things could be and look to the future. They may be leaders within the organization but not necessarily! Change agents from throughout the organization – at […]