By Gina Abudi, on February 25th, 2015 Leaders should regularly be expressing their appreciation for the efforts of their employees. This includes employees who:
Have made significant progress toward achieving organizational, division or department goals. Have proactively participated in helping co-workers achieve goals. Have gone above and beyond in their work efforts. Have collaborated within or external to their department Have shared […]
By Gina Abudi, on January 27th, 2015 A Mini Case Study
Read Part I for background information.
What should Samantha do next?
Samantha needs to address the situation with Jack before it gets even more out of control. There is obviously something going on and it is undoubtedly impacting the team. It doesn’t seem to be impacting customers, but is likely […]
By Gina Abudi, on January 22nd, 2015 A Mini Case Study
We all get upset at some point. Work may be piling up, we may feel as if we being unfairly saddled with tasks to do, we may be clashing with co-workers or we may just have stuff going on at home that is impacting work. Any of these situations can just […]
By Gina Abudi, on April 3rd, 2014 First, let’s define 360-degree assessments/feedback. 360’s are a multi-source assessment where feedback on a variety of areas – such as performance on the job, managing others, collaborating effectively, etc. – is provided from a variety of individuals who are familiar with the employee’s work. This includes staff members of the employee, the employee’s peers, the […]
By Gina Abudi, on February 14th, 2013 I have an increasing number of clients interested in moving forward with 360 feedback projects – especially now that we are starting off a new year. It’s a great time for many and provides them information needed to develop training programs of value to their employees. For each one of them, I have focused on […]
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