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Poll Question: Where Do You Get Your News?

There are so many options to get news and catch up on current events. Regardless of whether you are on the road traveling or sitting at home, you have many sources to choose from.

What sources do you choose to get your daily news and get caught up on what’s happening? (Choose all that apply)

Internet (33%, 5 Votes)
Newspapers (20%, 3 Votes)
Subscribe to RSS Feed (20%, 3 Votes)
Magazines (13%, 2 Votes)
Television (7%, 1 Votes)
Neighbor/friends (7%, 1 Votes)
Radio (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 5

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Poll Question: Getting a New Project Team Introduced To Each Other

Project managers I speak with tell me they have limited time to get their project team introduced to each other prior to the actual start of the project. It is important to ensure the team has a chance to meet and get to know each other and each other’s skills/expertise before the actual kick-off date. […]

Poll Question: What are some methods you use to gain new skills and knowledge?

There are a variety of ways to increase your skills and knowledge – training classes are just one way. What are some ways that you use to increase your skills and knowledge? Are you more creative in how you go about learning new skills based on the need to save money or reduced training budgets […]

Poll Question: What Do Good Leaders Do That Makes You Want to Follow Them?

Let’s be honest, it takes someone special to be a good leader. Leaders are only successful when people want to follow them. Just having leadership skills and your MBA is not sufficient. Think about the best leaders you know – whether in your company or at another company. What makes them a good leader? Why […]

Poll Question: Measuring Project Success

Often I run into organizations where project teams are not measuring success consistently. For example, one project team might believe a project is successful if they stayed within the budget; however, the customer was unhappy with the project because their expectations weren’t met. Another project team might feel the project was successful because they kept […]