By Gina Abudi, on May 28th, 2014 A Client Story: Change is Needed
If learning programs you are bringing on-site or offering virtually to your employees are not enabling for application immediately back on the job, you need new programs. If the programs you are offering just don’t fit the bill any longer, you need to make changes to satisfy professional development […]
By Gina Abudi, on May 27th, 2014 Mixing Learning and Fun
I have been working with a number of clients recently to plan off-site meeting for their employees. The primary goal for many of the leaders is in transferring information to employees and enabling for employees to get together to socialize – especially in organizations were employees are located in a number […]
By Gina Abudi, on April 10th, 2014 A Mini Case Study
I was talking to a human resources partner at one of my clients aabout a month ago. She was trying to figure out how to convince employees that they should be investing in their own development by participatingn in the training opportunities the company makes available. This includes face-to-face training sessions, […]
By Gina Abudi, on March 19th, 2014 Sometimes we have team members who want to do more, but just don’t have the skills or experience needed. We don’t want to discourage them from taking on additional responsibilities, but also want to be careful since they don’t have the skills necessary and the risk may be too high. Here are a few suggestions […]
By Gina Abudi, on February 18th, 2014 Being creative in supporting employees’ professional development
In Part I we discussed Anna’s dilemma. She needed to find creative ways to help her employees develop their skills and continue to grow personally and professionally.
Here are some ideas for Anna that will help her to develop her employees’ skills and keep them engaged in the […]
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