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Preparing to Meet Professional Development Needs in the New Year

Determining Employee Needs

As a Human Resource Professional, are you prepared to meet employee professional development needs in the upcoming need? Do you know what is needed in skill development?

Here are some suggestions on ways to gather information (in a short time) as to what may be needed/desired in professional development:

Meet with the […]

Everyone Should Have a Chance to Grow Professionally and Personally

Not Just the High Potentials

I was meeting with a colleague the other day who mentioned that her organization was only providing opportunities to grow professionally to high potentials. When I asked her why that was happening she mentioned that budgets were still tight and the organization was mainly concerned about ensuring those high potential […]

Importance of Talent Management

No Matter What Size Your Company Is!

I was working with a client who runs a small IT strategy consulting firm on an ROI project. They usually hire out their employees (mostly project managers and other project support personnel) to work on client IT implementation projects. Over coffee recently the client (we’ll call him […]

What Does Career Success Mean to You? Take Control of Your Destiny.

What Does Career Success Mean to You? Take Control of Your Destiny.

Career success means something different for everyone. There is no “right answer” to what it means. What is success to one person is not necessarily success to another. Think about what career success means for you in particular. The following steps will enable […]

Do You Need a Coach?

Have you ever wondered if you would benefit from having a coach? Short answer – yes, likely you would. Most individuals who are top performers in their field have benefited from having a professional coach at some point in their lives to provide them guidance and support.

Professionals choose coaches for many reasons, among them, […]