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Strategic Plan Complete? Now…Align Projects to Achieving the Strategy

Once your strategic plan is completed, you must now move to selecting and prioritizing the projects that must be done in order to support that strategic plan.

One of our newest clients, an IT consulting firm, diligently completes their annual strategic planning process. However, they have not taken the next step of aligning projects to […]

Strategic Planning – Develop Your Plan

As a follow up to my last article on strategic and operational planning, consider some additional best practices to follow to begin planning now for developing your 2018 strategic plan.

As part of your plan, consider: Who should be involved on the core team? (Ensure leadership representation from across the organization.) Get employees from throughout […]

Strategic and Operational Planning


Engaging Employees to Contribute to the Plans

It’s business planning time again – especially if your fiscal year follows the calendar. Many organizations leave planning to the executives and other high level management. This year, get your employees involved in planning. When employees are involved, the organization achieves many benefits:

Engaged employees are committed to […]

Ensuring Strategy Conversations Trickle Down from Executives to their Staff

Communicating Strategy

In conducting 360 assessments with our clients, Abudi Consulting Group often hears from staff that they do not have an understanding of strategy for the organization and/or strategy of their own departments. Strategy conversations do not seem to trickle down from executives to their staff. Or, if they are trickling down to the next level […]

Best Practices to Communicate About Your Strategic Plan

Communicating about the strategic plan

Better Communication = Increased Success in Implementing Your Strategic Plan

It is essential to have a plan in place to communicate about the strategic plan throughout the organization. Educating employees about the plan enables for their understanding of the importance of the plan as well as increasing their commitment to supporting the plan – which […]