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Are You the Problem on the Project Team? Part III

Part III: Checking In With the Team

Read Part I and Part II to catch up on our story.

When we left off, the project manager was having a team meeting with his team to specifically discuss the feedback from the two questions he posed. As you will recall, he developed a plan for how […]

Are You the Problem on the Project Team? Part II

Part II: The Team Meeting

Read Part I to catch up on our story.

When we left off, the project manager had asked his team to respond to the following two questions:

What is he doing effectively as the project team leader? What does he need to learn to do better to be more effective […]

Are You the Problem on the Project Team?

I was talking to a project manager the other day who was complaining about his team. Specifically, he felt that the team members were a serious problem on the team and were detrimental to the success of the initiative. To make a very long story short….in conversations with him about what was going on, it […]