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Use Surveys and Interviews to Gauge Training Needs

There are a number of methods to determine training needs of employees. In trying to keep it simple, but still effective and with usable data, over the years I have found that a combination of online surveys and in-person or virtual interviews provides data and information to enable for improved planning.

Training programs are not […]

What is Your Training Strategy?

Every organization needs a strategy around training employees. A training strategy provides a number of benefits. A training strategy enables for learning and development or human resource professionals to link training to organizational goals and to show the value of investments in training programs.

A training strategy also helps to ensure that the right type […]

Communicate About the Rollout of Your Training Program


When rolling out new training programs in your organization, be sure to provide as much communication about the program as possible. This gets the employees excited about and interested in the program – thereby increasing the success of the program within the organization. Many of Abudi Consulting Group’s clients use a nomination and qualification process […]

Increase the Chances of the Training “Sticking” Back on the Job

Use a variety of methods to increase the chances of training in workshops sticking once the participants return to their jobs. For example,

Utilize case studies, discussion topics and problem solving scenarios that are similar to what the participant’s encounters in their role. Enable for opportunities to practice the concepts being learned within the classroom […]

When Your Training Programs are Not Excelling – Part V

The Action Plan

Please read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4 of this article.

Based on the information gathered both via surveys and interviews, as well as in casual conversations, the following was decided as a course of action:

Training Programs

Individual contributor/staff level: Given the desire to enable for more leadership […]