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So How Come We Don’t Invest the Time to Really Measure Training Programs?

We know it is important to measure the effectiveness of a training programs, yet we don’t always take the time to do it right. Why is that? Are we too busy and just don’t have the time to do so? Maybe we don’t think it is all that important after all. If the participant in […]

Poll Question: How Do You Know that Training Has Been Effective?

When I speak with clients about training programs, one of the first things I ask them is, “How will you know if the training has been effective?” I get many answers to this question, such as:

“I really have no idea, but I know they need the skills.” “I’m hoping it will be obvious if […]

Make the Training “Stick”

Too often participants get out of the classroom and forget all about what they learned. Those new skills and knowledge are not always applied back on the job. I had heard many reasons why the individual was not applying their new skills including:

“I have no time – I need to catch up at work.” […]

Poll Question: What are some methods you use to gain new skills and knowledge?

There are a variety of ways to increase your skills and knowledge – training classes are just one way. What are some ways that you use to increase your skills and knowledge? Are you more creative in how you go about learning new skills based on the need to save money or reduced training budgets […]