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Best Practices to Increase the Success of Your Virtual Project Team VIII

Getting Decisions Made

Decision making on any team can be a difficult process, and managing a virtual team increases those challenges! More coordination and facilitation on the part of the team leader is required to ensure success in decision making in a virtual environment.

Consider the following decision-making styles that you might use depending on […]

Best Practices to Increase the Success of Your Virtual Project Team VII

Evaluating Virtual Team Meetings

Evaluating the effectiveness of your virtual team meetings is essential to ensure that:

Team members felt that they were able to effective contribute to the virtual meeting The team felt comfortable and confident with any decisions made during the virtual meeting The objectives were accomplished to team members’ satisfaction

Use any […]

Best Practices to Increase the Success of Your Virtual Project Team VI

Resolving Team Member Conflicts

Conflicts are a part of any project team and can occur more often with virtual teams as it is sometimes easier to have a conflict with someone that is not working alongside you. I have found that conflicts occur more often on those virtual project teams that have not had […]

Best Practices to Increase the Success of Your Virtual Project Team V


It is essential to set up processes and procedures for effective communications early on in virtual teams. Involve the virtual team members in determining processes and procedures for effective communications as undoubtedly each team member has a preferred way of communicating. I try to accommodate the team members’ individual preferences as much as […]

Best Practices to Increase the Success of Your Virtual Project Team IV

Using Sub-Teams

The larger the virtual team the more complex it becomes and the more difficult for one person to manage overall. I have found that any more than 8 members of the core project team is difficult for one person to manage effectively when the team is a remote or virtual team. Over […]