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Getting Your Remote Team Together

to start the New Year off right!

What better way to kick off the team in the New Year then to bring the entire group together to reset priorities for the year and evaluate processes and procedures for working as a team.

Before we get into the “what to do” when bringing the team together, […]

Enabling for Appreciation of Cultural Diversity on Virtual Teams

Breaking down cultural barriers on virtual teams enables for improved collaboration. When the team collaborates more benefits are many and include:

Innovative ideas on getting work accomplished Increasing creativity in solving problems Increasing the likelihood that new products and services developed will meet the needs of a diverse client base Learning new skills and knowledge […]

Best Practices for Enabling Accountability on a Virtual Team

Accountability is necessary on virtual teams in order to ensure work flows between team members to accomplish goals. Here are just a handful of best practices to enable for and foster accountability among virtual team members:

Ensure roles and responsibilities are set and clear

Roles and responsibilities on the team should be agreed to at […]

Common Challenges in Virtual Team Leadership

Three Mini Case Studies

Read the mini case studies and learn some ways to best handle the situation.

Mini Case Study 1: You are leading a team meeting. You and several other members are in one main location and two other people are calling in from separate remote locations. The current topic of discussion is […]

Engaging Your Remote Team

Remote (or virtual) teams are certainly not as easy to engage on a project or initiative as are teams that are co-located, especially if we are never able to get them to come together to meet each other face-to-face at least on occasion. If it easier to ignore others when we don’t see them every […]