In order to develop better solutions
I have learned that by stating a problem in terms of an opportunity, it looks at the issue from a more positive perspective and reduces pointing fingers as to who is at fault. It also helps to develop more creative and better solutions overall.
Consider the two problem statements:
The first example – How do we stop wasting so much time in team meetings – looks at the problem from a negative perspective. When we look at the problem from a negative perspective, it reduces our ability to see it from a broader perspective and we focus purely on the negative.
The second example – How can we make our meetings more productive – is a more positive approach. We are not focusing on a negative but rather focusing on how to do even better than we are. This enables for looking at the problem from an opportunity-driven approach.
When we think about problems as opportunities rather than in a negative manner, we tend to be more engaged in solving the issue and our solutions are more innovative and creative.