Be sure to review current specs with the project sponsor
When you need to update training programs, set up time to meet with the sponsor (the individual(s) who asked that the training program be developed initially) to determine if any changes need to be made to the training program based on a number of factors:
- Have the goals and objectives for the training program changed or expanded since it was initially launched? (Have requirements changed?)
- Are there any additional topics to be covered? Are there topics that should be removed from the program? (Any new content? Content which should be deleted?)
- Are additional exercises, case studies, activities or role plays needed? Do the current exercises, case studies, activities or role plays need to be changed to meet changing needs in the organization?
- Has the profile of the participant changed?
- Are there new trainers who will utilize the program for training that may need to be trained?
- Have participants been able to apply what they are learning in the program? What successes have they had? What challenges have they had?
Updating training programs provides you the opportunity enhance them to map to changes within the organization. Too often training programs keep on being used in the organization when they are no longer effective. Take this opportunity to make changes to your training programs so they remain effective and of value for participants.